Carson City
03/30/2021 Admin Agenda with Supporting Material
Day: Wednesday
Date: March 30, 2022
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: Carson City Community Development, BRIC Conference Room “A”
108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City, NV 89701
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: or via mail to the Planning Division at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be received by the Planning Division not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to make any public comment to the Hearing Examiner. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.
3. Public Hearing: Action Item
3.A LU-2022-0044 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Administrative Permit to allow for the location of directional antennas and equipment on an existing public facility zoned Public Regional (PR) located at 2201 W. College Pkwy, APN 007-521-01. (Lena Reseck,
Summary: The applicant is proposing to locate 4 directional antennas on the rooftop and equipment within the existing equipment head-end room located inside the existing public facility. The antennas will be located five feet above the existing building height of 37 feet. Per 18.15.025(2)(a) wireless telecommunication facilities and/or equipment may locate on an existing public facility provided that such installations do not increase the height of the existing structure by more than ten feet with the approval of an administrative permit.
4. Public Comment**
5. For Possible Action: Adjournment
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – Hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner are NOT subject to Nevada’s Open Meeting Law requirements because an individual Hearing Examiner does not constitute a “public body” as that term is defined in NRS 241.015. However, to further Carson City’s policy of providing transparency in government and to encourage public participation, the Hearing Examiner will provide at least two public comment periods before adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak. Testimony from a person who is directly involved with an item, such as City staff, an applicant or a party to an administrative hearing or appeal, is not considered public comment and is not subject to the three-minute time limitation.
The Carson City Administrative Hearing Examiner is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who need assistance. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, as soon as possible.
For Further Information
If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. To request a copy of the supporting material for this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at or call the Carson City Community Development Center at 775-887-2180. Supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at Staff reports are available approximately six days prior to the Administrative Permit Review meeting or online at For further information regarding the Administrative Permit Review process, please call the Planning Division at 775-887-2180.
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item.
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City Website -
State Website -
Day: Wednesday
Date: March 30, 2022
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: Carson City Community Development, BRIC Conference Room “A”
108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City, NV 89701
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: or via mail to the Planning Division at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be received by the Planning Division not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to make any public comment to the Hearing Examiner. Comments are limited to three minutes per person.
3. Public Hearing: Action Item
3.A LU-2022-0044 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request for an Administrative Permit to allow for the location of directional antennas and equipment on an existing public facility zoned Public Regional (PR) located at 2201 W. College Pkwy, APN 007-521-01. (Lena Reseck,
Summary: The applicant is proposing to locate 4 directional antennas on the rooftop and equipment within the existing equipment head-end room located inside the existing public facility. The antennas will be located five feet above the existing building height of 37 feet. Per 18.15.025(2)(a) wireless telecommunication facilities and/or equipment may locate on an existing public facility provided that such installations do not increase the height of the existing structure by more than ten feet with the approval of an administrative permit.
4. Public Comment**
5. For Possible Action: Adjournment
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – Hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner are NOT subject to Nevada’s Open Meeting Law requirements because an individual Hearing Examiner does not constitute a “public body” as that term is defined in NRS 241.015. However, to further Carson City’s policy of providing transparency in government and to encourage public participation, the Hearing Examiner will provide at least two public comment periods before adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak. Testimony from a person who is directly involved with an item, such as City staff, an applicant or a party to an administrative hearing or appeal, is not considered public comment and is not subject to the three-minute time limitation.
The Carson City Administrative Hearing Examiner is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who need assistance. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, as soon as possible.
For Further Information
If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. To request a copy of the supporting material for this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at or call the Carson City Community Development Center at 775-887-2180. Supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at Staff reports are available approximately six days prior to the Administrative Permit Review meeting or online at For further information regarding the Administrative Permit Review process, please call the Planning Division at 775-887-2180.
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item.
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City Website -
State Website -